Essay on pollution in 250 -300words|Essay on pollution in English

Here is a short essay on pollution in 250 to 300 words.In this essay we have included the key terms of pollution such as,what is pollution,it's cause ,effect,prevention and control measures  etc.Hope you will enjoy reading this essay on pollution and this will pe helpful to you.

Essay on pollution

What is pollution?

Pollution is the introduction of harmful dirts and particles into the environment. These harmful dirts  and particles that has spread around us and which holds all the inhabitants of the earth is called pollutants. 

Pollution is a serious problem in today's world. It has become a matter of great concern for lovers of nature and environment. Not only the human community, but the whole living community has come in its grip. Its side effects are visible all around.
power plant, cooling tower, smoke, industry, pollution, energy ...

Pollution can be broadly divided into three  major categories - air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. In present time all these pollutions are creating major and fatal issues for human health.
Air and water are basic need for every living organism provided by nature. Both these things have a huge hand in sustaining the origin and life of organisms. Where all living organisms breathe in the air, they use water to drink. But both these things have become very dirty nowadays.

Reason or Cause Of Pollution

The main reason of air pollution is the mixing of several types of impure gases in it. Due to human activities in the air, polluted elements like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide are being found in large quantities. Garbage-waste from the cities has been discharged into the water with chemical substances. This leads to water reserves; As ponds, rivers, lakes and sea water are continuously polluting.
The main cause of noise pollution is constant noise due to increasing population. The clutches of household utensils, the clutches of machines and the rhetoric of instruments are increasing day by day. Noise of vehicles, screams of equipment and different types of sounds coming from all four directions are giving rise to noise pollution. In metros, noise pollution is at its height.
If we consider the side effects of pollution, then they look very serious. Many lungs and respiratory diseases are caused by breathing in polluted air. Stomach diseases are spread by drinking polluted water. Dirty water is also very harmful for living organisms in water. Sound pollution generates mental stress. This causes problems such as deafness, anxiety, disturbance.

How to control Pollution

In the modern scientific era, to completely eliminate pollution has become crooked. Several types of governmental and non-governmental efforts have so far proved inadequate. It is, therefore, clear that it is impossible to deal with this problem unless the mass group takes active participation in this work at the private level. Everyone should not let the garbage and garbage collect around.
There should be purification of polluted water in the reservoirs. Alternative energy sources such as solar energy, wind power, bio gas, CNG, LPG, hydroelectricity should be exploited more and more by reducing the use of coal and petroleum products. We should avoid cutting forests and plant new trees in residential areas. Adopting all these measures will go a long way in reducing air pollution and water pollution.
There is a need to take some concrete and positive steps to reduce noise pollution. Radio, TV , Sound amplifiers etc. should be played in low voice. The common use of loudspeakers should be banned. Light-sounding sound-indicators should be used in vehicles. Home appliances should be used in a way that produces the least sound.


In conclusion, social awareness is the only way to reduce pollution. There is a need to spread the message in this regard through TV channels,social media,and media. The collective measures taken can control the worldwide problem of pollution.

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