Essay on Women Empowerment

Here is an essay on women empowerment in about 250 words.I hope this essay will be helpful to you. Please give feedback after reading in comment box below.

Essay on women empowerment in 250 words.

Women Empowerment means to make women independent so that they can take their important decisions of life by themselves. They must have the right to live their life as they want. From so many years, women suffered a lot and they were treated as they have no existence. They had to think a hundred times before doing anything. All their major life decisions were taken by the men in the family. 

But as the time evolved, some women who are educated started fighting for their rights and freedom and then become inspiration for other women. Then the chain started and thus began the revolution for women empowerment.

 An empowered and educated woman is no more like a burden to the family. She become a supporter or helper for her family as well as society. She strengthens her family and is able to help them financially as well. She also has the capability to empower other women. She also educate her children so that they can also know their rights and become aware about their duty as a responsible citizen. Thus, an empowered woman can actually empower the whole society. That is why women empowerment is the need of the society as well as the nation.

It is the responsibility of the government as well as every individual to empower women. The most important step towards it is to educate the girls so that they can be aware about their rights and become free to take their life decisions. Awareness programmes are also organised in the villages by the government and many NGO so that women in the villages become aware and break the boundaries in their life. Similarly, we all have to take this responsibility and stand together for women empowerment. As Kofi Annan said, "There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women". It is absolutely true that a nation cannot develop without the contribution of the women.

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